Jennie Lou Statzer Plawecki

Known Addresses

Marker Address  Market Rent   
Current address 845 COLLIER Ct, Marco Island, FL 34145  $1222

What we know about Jennie Lou Plawecki

Jennie Lou Plawecki appears to currently live at 845 COLLIER Ct, Marco Island, FL 34145. Some of her neighbors are Susan Laura Winje , Mary Ann Werres , Scott A Wallenberg , Debra Kay Wallenberg , Tonia Gail McCully , . Jennie Lou Plawecki is currently 89 and was born on 04/01/1935. Based on current market data, the average rent for a two bedroom apartment in Marco Island is $1222. We believe that Jennie Lou Plawecki has used the following (574) 309-8881 number.